Wednesday, 14 July 2010

July 17th Details!

Our last picnic was a lot of fun. The weather was just as perfect as the company.

Our next picnic will be held this Saturday at Memorial Park (800 East Center Street).  This park is very beautiful with tall trees and a veterans memorial.

IMPORTANT: We are changing things up a bit this week.  We are pushing the picnic time to 5:30 PM instead of the standard time of 12:30.  We're hoping to see all of you there. We know it will be a fantastic time!

It is supposed to be in the 90's on Saturday so make sure you bring your sunscreen and cool drinks.

Driving east on Center Street turn north onto 800 East.  Locate the orange balloon, and join the picnic!

See you Saturday at 5:30!
The Picnic Club Administration

P.S. FYI: this park does not have restrooms.

Monday, 21 June 2010

June 26th Details!

We are excited about this week's picnic! It will be held in Provo at Exchange Park, 900 North 700 West at 12:30. This beautiful park borders the Provo River.

The children's parade is scheduled for Saturday as well. We are hoping those participating or watching the parade will come enjoy the picnic and relax in the shade when the festivities are over.

From 800 North turn north on to 700 West. This road will lead directly to the park.
The forecast predicts 83 degree weather, which will be just right for a picnic!

Hope to see you all there! Don't forget to tell your friends!
The Picnic Club Administration

P.S. Click here to read the fun article about our Picnic Club on the Utah People's Post!

Monday, 7 June 2010

Again, fun was had.

Thanks to everyone who came last Saturday. The weather was perfect, and the park was beautiful. A great time was had by all.

Our second picnic for June will held on the 26th. More details will be posted that week. Start looking forward to it!

Till next time,
The Picnic Club Administration.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

June 5th Details!

Our second picnic will be this Saturday at 12:30. We will be meeting at Bicentennial Park. This park is located at 1440 South 1600 East in Provo. This is a beautiful park and has a lot of fun things to offer.

From University Avenue turn on 3rd South to go East. At State street turn right (South). Follow State street till 1440 South. Turn left (East) on 1440 South (right next to a new Sinclair gas station) and follow the road to its end. Then look for the orange balloon and you'll be there!
Saturday's forecast predicts sunny and 85 degrees. So don't forget your sunscreen.

See you on Saturday, and don't forget to tell your friends!!

The Picnic Club Administration.
P.S. Just as an FYI, this park has bathrooms.

Sunday, 23 May 2010


Last weeks Picnic was a lot of fun! The weather held out just long enough for us to enjoy ourselves. We made new friendships, which is fantastic! We're all looking forward to the next picnic, which will be on the 5th (more details to come). Don't forget to spread the word!

Thanks for everyone showing up! See you again soon!
The Picnic Club Administration

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Rain, rain go away.

Rain is in the forecast for the weekend. Why isn't the weather cooperating? I'm sure you're all just as upset as I am. Here is the deal, if the weather is reasonably warm {meaning you don't have to wear a winter coat.....} and it's NOT raining, Saturday's picnic is ON. If it is indeed raining, we'll reschedule for next week.

Perhaps if we collectively cross our fingers the rain will fly right past us.....

Hopefully we'll see you Saturday!
The Picnic Club Administration.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

May 22nd details!

Our first official club meeting will be held on Saturday, May 22nd at Kiwanis Park (820 N. 1100 E.). The picnic will begin at approximately 12:30. Look for the orange balloon, which will mark our location. Don't forget to bring blankets, food/snacks, and what ever else you think you may need. The forecast predicts beautiful, sunny weather, which picnickers always love. It should be a fun and relaxing Saturday afternoon. All are welcome; children, married couples, dogs, single people (perhaps your 'true loves kiss' will be discovered at the Picnic Club - oolala), grandparents, tall people, short people, and anyone else you can think of. Come one, come all!
If you have any questions you can email us or leave them in a comment below and they will be answered.

Hope to see you al there!
The Picnic Club Administration
P.S. In the event of inclement weather the picnic will be rescheduled.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Here We Go!

Welcome to the Provo Picnic Club! We have high expectations for fun and relaxation. We're happy you want to join in. Please click the follow button to the right so you can stay updated. Remember to invite your friends to join our club. We picnickers welcome all, and we look forward to meeting new people. If you have questions about how our club works, refer to the information contained on the sidebar to the right (Just read it anyway. It's fun). All your questions should be answered there, but if you have others feel free to email us.

If you find yourself just as excited as we are, you can copy and paste the button on the right onto your blog (I know it's silly how excited we are, but really, can you blame us?).

Our first picnic will be on the 22nd. More information will be coming soon.
If you would like email updates on picnics please leave your email address in a comment below!

Till then, enjoy the sun!
The Picnic Club Administration