Monday, 7 June 2010

Again, fun was had.

Thanks to everyone who came last Saturday. The weather was perfect, and the park was beautiful. A great time was had by all.

Our second picnic for June will held on the 26th. More details will be posted that week. Start looking forward to it!

Till next time,
The Picnic Club Administration.


  1. lisa (&/or tyler), i love that you sign these posts with your official title, the picnic club administration.

    it's (kind of) like when nate got put in charge of safety rules at work we started calling him the minister of safety.

  2. the 26th is the provo children's parade, not sure if you will get the best attendance.

  3. Thanks for the heads up! The children's parade is in the morning, so hopefully anyone who is wanting to attend can still make it in the afternoon. Hope to see you there!!!
